Sunday, February 26, 2006

Even darker...

Epiphany: "you poor, calloused soul..."
Zane: [was walking away, has back turned]
_____*searches for words for a moment*
_____*finds them*
_____"Lady Epiphany, your wisedom exceeds even
_____that of the brightest stars in heaven,
_____but you miss speak-------- how can my soul be
_____calloused when..." *drops to a whisper*
_____"...I don't even have one?"


A/N: Inspired by a random line I'd written for lack of something better as extra-credit on an English vocab-test; write sentances using the vocab words. the word was callouse.

I often do that: use assignments as oppertunities to toy w/ my characters. And often times, I usually get some pretty good stuff! :D Sometimes something random is just the boost you need when lacking inspiration. Here, my boost was the chalange to write a sentance using the word callouse, and so I did, and gave it to one of my characters to say. And so they said it, and then the question became "why?" and "to whom?" and "what did they say back?", and that was it! :D
*Zane does something aparently really cruel*...
(this is before he calmed-down & teamed-up with them--------most of these posts take place after)
Euao: "You soulless demon!!!!!!"
Zane: *scoffs coldly*
_____*switches to a sneer* "Watch who you speak that way to,
_____(insert Euao's other name) of (insert town where Euao was born),
_____you may just have to EAT YOUR WORDS!!!" <=(crescendo) _____*thrashes silver blade so that the light it catches is blinding
_____bright----the blade absorbs the light, and turns void-black*
Euao: *is amazed and somewhat intimidated by the awesome
_____power/violent nature of the figure, and for the first time
_____it hits him what it's fight w/ Mikie must've been like*
_____"I'm not afraid of you."

...*the battle begins*...

A/N: Ooo--- dark... 0_0
(Zane: *cackles deep like rolling thunder* >:K
Me: Eeep! @x@)

"Mikie wants to be a pirate today! :D" ...continued

Mikie: "Tickle me shimbers!" =D
Almighty Answer-baring Amoeba: "Ooo! What are shimbers?!"
_____________________________*is facinated*
Mikie: "Dunno." 0:-)
Almighty Answere-baring Amoeba: *frowns crestfallen* "Oh...."
______________________________*looks down in deep thought
_______________________________for a moment*

:::One Moment Later:::
Almighty Answere-baring Amoeba: *still frowning in thought*
_________"You know, it's not very wise to say things you don't know,
_________especially if you say them like you know 'em..."
_________*frowny frown*
Mikie: *knows the solumn seriousness of this lesson,
______and says nothing*


A/N: Perhaps this will give you s'more insight into the depth of my characters... Sure they are obviously insanely quirky, but in a snap they can switch to have this amazing level of maturity that almost toatally contrasts how they are most of the time.

That's the trick: one can choose to live a life full of childishly-innocent fun and good humor, but without sacrificing the wisedom and depth, or "darksided-ness" of someone seemingly much older and a thousand-times more serious.

That, in my opinion, is the best way to live....even if it does confuese people. ^_~b

Update on the "goings-on" with the Tailor

Sorry, no, I dnno if I got the part yet. :(
But, I DO think I did pret-tyguud in the audition... I had MOST of my lines memorized, and I could really feel the character start to come alive in me-------is that a good thing? ^___~

Well, one of the 3 judges was my English teacher, and twice that day, rather randomly, she complamented me on my acting! :D (I assume that's a good sign??)

A funny thing happened... there were only two of us auditioning for the Tailor's roll, and then, the night after the auditions were over, I suddenly remembered they wanted a doubble-cast since the chior-dramma-fusion class was so dang large! And so, unless they do something entirely cruel and random (such as give the part so someone who didn't even try-out, as my friend sugested they might), then me AND the other person sould BOTH get the part! 0.0

Now wouldn't that be spiffy? ',B-)

We find out tomarow morning. Wish me luck!

Indighosst, OUT! *poof* :3 ^___^

Sunday, February 19, 2006

the Tailor's lines (for my audition)

Well, here's the goings-on: my school is doing a musical spoof of The Emperor's New Cloths, and I'm auditioning to play the Tailor (which is actually the second largest roll in the play, with 55 lines and 1 solo that just so happens to be "so low" I can barely reach all the notes! But still, I opted not to raise it an octive, because the Tailor, y'see, can pretty much be seen as the villain, and the origional low version of the song, you could say, sounds darker and more 'threatening' ~_~b).

The auditions are tomarow morning, and here I am w/o the designated section entirely memorized yet, and still some confusion about what I want the emotions of the character to be. Thus, I have suddenly had an idea: retype the lines I need to memorize (which would help me, mentally, to gain ownership of them, anyway), but add

The parts in blue are lines or letters that I've insertted, myself, and thus are not actually in the official script. They change the context and the charactor of the Tailor by actually changing what they said (as opposed to just applying meaning w/ jestures & facial expressions).

*3 ministers attempt to walk through a doorway*
M1: "Afer you."
M2: "No, after you!"
M3: "After you!!!"
M1: "Wait, I know how to solve this! Let's all go in together!"
*the 3 ministers attempt to walk through doorway side-by-side-by-side and get stuck*
M2: "Not again!"
Tailor: "Oh goody, here come our first visitors..." *rolls eyes & stands up*
Assistant 1: "No, you forgot about that little Page. They had me a bit woried."
A2: "Nahhh, I doubt this crowd will pay any attention to them!"
Tailor: *walking towards the ministers making wide [apparently
_______welcoming] jestures* "Oh, your Excellencies! How honored
_______we are that you have graced our humble workspace with
_______your esteemed presense..."
M3: "But--- we didn't bring you any presents..." *is clueless* 0_o
A's 1,2,3: *snickering quietly*
Tailor: *shushes snickering assistents,then turns to ministers
_______once again*
______"Might you do us the honor of inspecting the results of our
_______humble efforts? Right this way, and you you can feast your
_______learn-ed eyes on the suit in progress! My assistants are
_______showing you the jacket now--- is it not splendid?"
_______*makes the superior face of a salesperson when they know
_______they've got you pegged*
M1: "But it's... it's..."
Tailor: "You're speachless, I know. Isn't it amazing?!"
_______*glances lazilly at fingernails for a moment,
_______then looks up @ M2* "What do you think?"
M2: "Why it's..." *says to self* "Think, think, stay calm, you can do
*comes back 2 da world* "...Why, it's even more splendid
____than I ever
imagined!!!" *sweatdrop* ^_^;
Tailor: "I knew you'd be -brilliant- and -clever- enough to be able to
_______see it! *shifts eyes/gaze to M3* "And what about you, your
_______Excillency? Do favor us with your opinion..."
_______*more peggy-salesman face* ',:-j
M3: *thinks aloud 2 audience* "YIKES! He/She can see it, and He/She can see
____it---- I must be even dumber than I thought!" 0_o *goes back into character*
____"Um, uh, ...Wow!!!" (to self = e_e)
Tailor: "How brilliently you express yourself, your Exciellency."
A1: "Are you not dazzled by the uppleness of the satin, the brilliance of the
M1: "Oh absolutely."
A2: "And what about the exquisit embroidery, the luxurious lines, the
___fabulously fassionable faberic?!"
M2: "You took the words right out of my mouth."
Tailor: "So, then, do you agree it is indeed a suit fit for his Highness?"
M3: "Um, uh, ... yeah!"
Tailor: *catches a glance from assistants and begins to usher-out the ministers,
______frowning & speaking very fast... also, takes a bag of money from one of
______teh M's* "Well, I'm sure you -important- ministers are anxious to get back
______to the Emperor and report your findings, and we also must get back to work,
______if we are to complete the suit in time for his Majesty's parade. Thank you
______so much for honoring us with your visite. Oh, and thank you for this initial
______payament; we will spend it all on additional ornamentation." *the ministers
______half resist [from confusion], and take a moment & some help to get moving*
______"...We know you hate to tare yourselves away---Good day!---but we must
______return to our duties!" (to self =e_e)
M's 1,2,3: *leave... perhaps vaguely-rememnicently of how thy enterd* 0_o
Tailor: *slams door, then turns around and leans against it; sighing, relieved*
______"...I thought they'd never leave." Q~_~
A1: "Right then, let's 'get back to work', as you put it." :-)
A2: *pulls out cards* "Got any eights?" *deep concentraition* :q
*lighting fades to black/end of scene*

Monday, February 13, 2006

Spirit & Song

*Euao & Zane r alone in a room & talking real serious business, when out of the silence of the background is born a sound most unindearing; shrill, and very annoying*
Euao: "blah..."
Zane: "blah, blah, blah..."
Euao: "blah, blah..."
Zane: "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"
Euao: "blah blah..."
Zane: "blah blah, BLAH!!!"
Euao: "blah blah..." :-)
Zane: "blaaaaaaaah..." e_e
Euao: *pause*
_____"blah blah!" ^_^


*The sound grows, steadilly, louder and plainer as the minutes slug by... Euao and Zane, too, begin to hike their volume----- untill finally; temple throbbing...*

Zane: [sitting, very stressed, on the end of a couch in a sweet they're all staying in
_____"Oh, for heaven's sake! What IS that unholy noise!!?"
Euao: [standing in the middle of the room facing Zane]
_____"'Dunno. But, whatever it is, I wish it'd stop."
_____*pauses to grimace as the noise hit an all-time high note*
_____" right back." *leaves room*
_____*goes down the hallway of the house to Mikie's room,
_____which, apparently, is the sourse of the dreadful dischord...*
_____*Mikie's door is closed, so Euao opens it a crack and peaks in*

WHAT HE SEES: Mikie sitting cross-legged on the floor w/ the Almighty Answer-baring Amoeba perched proudly on a chair beside them, chest puffed out (do amoeba's have chests?!! 0_o) and singing "America, the Beautiful" in a squirly-high voice sounding much like an audio-tape played at doubble-speed. And Mikie, too, was singing; perfect in harmoney and squirly-pitch with the amoeba, just jam'n the night away an' having a grand ol' time... (neither noticed the door was opening)

Euao: *has shut door in shock* @_@
Zane: *seeing Euao has quite finished his spying...*
Euao: *looks at him, still showing shock*
_____"You wouldn't believe me even if I told yeh." @_x


Awwe MAN! I killed it! >_< style="font-style: italic;">IS ME! *sobs hysterically* ;_;

Zane: *rolls eyes* "Just for that, you ARE pathetic!"
Me: "Hay, dude, I was kidding!" *scowl*
Zane: "But I wasn't."
Me: *glowers* "Bother!"
___*bothers Zane* (*LOL of triumph* ) ^____^

Can you tell I just came from watching a shakespear play? My lil bro was in it; "a Mid-Summer Night's Dream", and it was really bad. Tho, he was actually quite good. :-)
My bros r hams! ^_^ *huggles lil bros*