Friday, December 09, 2005

Who Done It?!!

Euao: "Who done it?"
Zane: "...I did."
Euao: "Wait, I was kidding!"
Zane: "No you weren't, and you know it."
Euao "But I was!"
Zane: "No you weren't."
Euao: "Yes I was!"
Zane: "No you weren't."
Euao: "Yes I--- this isn't going tp get anywhere. No I wasn't, so, muahahahaha!"
Zane: *pause* "...Yes you were. (muahahahaha)" ',:-j
Euao"I'm glad we agree! So, now that we're off the subject, would you mind telling me what on ____earth it was you did, seeing as I 'wasn't' kidding?"
Zane: "...snap..."
Euao: "You snapped?"
Zane: "No...."
Euao: "Naaw, really?"
Zane: "N--- erm... yes actually."
Euao: *gasthp!* "I knew it!"
Zane: "Knew what?"
Euao: "That you'd snapped." *smile smile* ^______^
Zane: "Hey." *evil scowl*
Euao: *sees evil scowl* "...yup..."
Zane: *growls deeply* >:K
Euao: "Ok ok okaaay! Yeesh."


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